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(Supposed to be) Last day with JICA Mamminasata

this was taken just before we left. Some local staff had left, so here was I, only lady in the party. on my right is the team leader, left is the deputy team leader.

My only aim was to finish my leftover tasks from Mr. Koizumi and Mr. Watanabe’s Decree (well it’s Presidential Decree Draft, not his decree..but whatever)
I have to transfer some of tasks to other people, since today is my last day.

I did that.

Eventually, Ibu Itha asked me to accompany Mr. Koizumi (our team leader which I always afraid of) to ASKINDO (Cocoa Association of Indonesia). This was my first time to be with him and in fact my first time to have conversation with him after 10 months working with this study team.

I am really grateful that I had that chance.
He is an extraordinary humble person with rich experiences in his professional life.
Just like the story of his 30 years old leather suitcase that he purchased in Rome and still accompany him everywhere he goes around the globe. He might looks old with his grey hair but he has such a big spirit in whatever and wherever his project is.

Passionate in his job maybe the most right expression.

I still can picture his thinking face when he was listening to vice chairman of Askindo Makassar explanation of undeveloped potentials of cocoa value added processing in Indonesia due to imbalanced public policy. On the way back, I learned that he was trying to learn what is actually the underlying problems and trying to figure out what he can do.

I asked him a question on how he can control himself (emotionally) in front of various people (which I found annoying and rude sometimes) in different cases since he’s been in more then 70 places around the globes since he joined Nippon Koei right after his graduation. “Vision what will happen 20 years after…” and you won’t be trapped in your condition right now (the last sentence is simplify with my own words).

I asked him what is his best project. He told me about the construction of DAM in Mekkong River, Vietnam, he joined in early 70s. He said, 30 years after he went there and saw the positive result of the project to the country and they can even export energy to Thailand and get foreign currency income from that project. “some happy tears ran out to see what I have done can contribute to many people”.

I asked him what he thinks of the project in Mamminasata right now. He only mentioned, first your people should define what is your value of happiness. Maybe having a good car is enough to make your people happy, maybe our (his) value of happiness is not what your people expected. We consultant can only offer you but at the end it’s your people who take the decision.

…at the end it is always like that with life, isn't it…

But in short, my 2 hrs trip with him was really rich. Listening (90% of the time just listened to his stories, 10 % me asking questions) to him on my last day of assignment made me feel all my anger, disappointment, bad images on JICA and whatever Japanese consultants are paid off.

Not just that.
Eventually, Mr. Okada and Mr. Watanabe with help from ibu Itha have arranged farewell party for me at Score-Panakukkang. They booked the VVIP seat with a pool table, and almost all people from office attended the party, even Mr. Koizumi. (He, as far as I know, doesn’t like to go out for party or karaoke, since from what I’ve heard he always utilizes his time effectively). Sadly, Ibu Agnes and Riesma could not attend due to some reasons.
I never know my two bosses do care for me. I was stubborn and too strong sometimes but the way they treated me on my farewell party really flattering.
Even Ibu Ayu from Dinas Tata Ruang Propinsi was there too. Rabiah, a good friend I got from these last 2 months seemed enjoy the party as well.
It is hard to describe the environment it just I AM really flattered with their appreciation on me.
Before everybody left, the Japanese members gave a what so called Japanese style salutation to me. They raised both hands, and said something and clapped their hands. I don't know how to describe my feeling but it was really nice.

Mr. O and Mr. W asked me to continue to Happy Puppy for karaoke, after everybody left. Thus three of us sang songs for 2 hrs, and again, I really appreciate how they really care about me.

I’ve learned many things from this study team, but I don’t want to be overwhelmed with those appreciation since I am still learning. Having Mr. Okada, Mr. Watanabe, Mr. Koizumi as my supervisors and ‘teachers’ is another fortune in my life, just like having many other persons who teach me many things in professional and personal live.

At this time I can tell myself, again, that sometimes when I walk down the road it might feel heavy and winding. But as I’ve passed it with God’s help, friends’ support and best effort I could give, those difficulties are converted into reward to me.

I prefer to say I am really grateful of those bitter, happy, difficult, rich experiences I got within these 10 months. And I know, this is not just for coincidence.

Thank you to Mr. Koizumi, Mr. Okada and Mr. Watanabe, Rabiah, Ibu Itha, Risma and Niar..and all friends in JICA-Mamminasata as well as Ibu Sri, Ibu Ayu and Pak Shafik.

I didn’t bring my camera but took some pictures with my mobile phone. Still finding ways to download it to my laptop. Will upload them as soon as possible.


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