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Showing posts from November, 2005

excitement and lassitude

in general things are a bit out of track these days. Nothing wrong with that, since the reasons are all positive. Sisters are here with the babies. I feel completely out of working-mood. These last 2 days I was late to work But imagine you are waken up by a baby...isn't that cute? Anyway many stories, but i'm too exhausted to write down. ok put them into short sentences: - babies around - family gathering - weekend by the beach - new aqcuintences - building network - making work fun - fully utilizing office facilities - itchy eyes - new baby vocabulary

First Diving Experience

Nothing else…exciting!!! Since I am only beginner, and I used my friend’s outfit [which is XL size!] the instructor wouldn’t dare to take me further then 10 m depth. Difficult for me to control you, since the gear doesn’t fit you… I didn’t find difficulties with breathing, thanks to yoga… But I couldn’t equalize well…after 20 minutes I was partly deaf. I couldn’t even be streamline… First round was only about 7-8 meters, but next round was around 12 m. Only 20 minutes but it gives me that addictive sensation already. It is really great. すごいい!! Sad thing is, now I know how dirty our sea is. Next to anemon with Nemo kind of fish swimming here and there, There was a sack of I-don’t-know-what, but let’s assume it’s a sack full of garbage. Gee…who would like to have their house filled with garbage? So many hopes and thoughts that we shared among us [Leslie, Dr. Handoyo, Ray, Medi and me] about what possible to be done on this situation. Yet we always turned down every time we remembered how...