Ok..i've formatted my computer, now my CDWriter is not working...let see if the computer will still restart by itself while i'm writing on blogger.
i have no idea what's going on with my computer.
i've just tried to change from nero express to nero 5, but the nero 5 doesn't work, so i tried nero 6...ok..it detects my F: Lite ON something something...but then...damn....it still cannot perform any of burning activities!
it says something like...'cannot perform end track' what's the hell was that ???
then ok...i tried to return to nero xpress, well who knows...maybe it's not the computer but softwares errors...
ok...but STILL!!!!!
so let's try windows cd writer wizard...still still still....
now I give up! something must be wrong with the CDwriter now...
I just dun wanna reformat the computer all over again! it means i need to download msn messenger and yahoo messenger once again!!! well don't laugh at me! this damn dial up really drive me crazy if i need to reinstall those stuff all over again....
oh...when will my country go broadband? while the whole world is spinning in this so called informational society...we are still crawling like a baby...
I'm not complaining, you people!!!! I'm talking about REALITY!!!Don't talk any of cathing up with the world.....there's tons TO DO!!!!!!
i have no idea what's going on with my computer.
i've just tried to change from nero express to nero 5, but the nero 5 doesn't work, so i tried nero 6...ok..it detects my F: Lite ON something something...but then...damn....it still cannot perform any of burning activities!
it says something like...'cannot perform end track' what's the hell was that ???
then ok...i tried to return to nero xpress, well who knows...maybe it's not the computer but softwares errors...
ok...but STILL!!!!!
so let's try windows cd writer wizard...still still still....
now I give up! something must be wrong with the CDwriter now...
I just dun wanna reformat the computer all over again! it means i need to download msn messenger and yahoo messenger once again!!! well don't laugh at me! this damn dial up really drive me crazy if i need to reinstall those stuff all over again....
oh...when will my country go broadband? while the whole world is spinning in this so called informational society...we are still crawling like a baby...
I'm not complaining, you people!!!! I'm talking about REALITY!!!Don't talk any of cathing up with the world.....there's tons TO DO!!!!!!