9 hrs driving from Bandung to Jakarta.
>> 3 hrs to get into Cikampek, the rest q-ing on the highway
Jakarta was flooded…
Siapa suruh datang Jakarta, I sang along.
>> 3 hrs to get into Cikampek, the rest q-ing on the highway
Jakarta was flooded…
Siapa suruh datang Jakarta, I sang along.
this was scenery on the highway, you get everything there...
q behind my car...my car engine was off... I saw a little boy peeing by the road
waiting for the q, i even had enough time to play with my ixus500
My appointment was supposed to be in the morning, 9:30. Rescheduled to 5:00 PM. Lucky enough I wasn't trapped in flooded area, in general, traffic in the city was much milder than what I experienced from Bandung to Jakarta...or may I say...around 15km to Jakarta?