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Showing posts from June, 2005
I think it’s been a while since I’m working for other people. Has been self-employed for long that at the end I should readjust with office ethics. Trust me; it’s not difficult, yet not easy. Sometimes, things just go wrong unexpectedly, thou ones have tried to perform their best. Or, just being nice and keep to be yourself, may intrigue gossips in office. Darn~ Whatever it is, I’m sure there’s way to conquer every situation. The importance then is to choose the right tools. There’s always yin and yang, there is no perfect condition. One may likes the job, but the environment may be sucks, vice versa. It’s just how the given constellation embedded to oneself.

too many for a title

how many weeks is it already? i even have no idea how to start this blog. well, here. last 2,5 weeks I came to Makassar with intention just to accompany my granny during parents' trip to China. whoever knows, somebody called my Dad's office, looking for 'her daughter' [she didn't even know my name!] that studied urbanism before. I called her back, and learned that it is for a job in JICA Makassar, for a project of Mamminasata metropolitan area. Thus, nextday I went for interview, bla here bla there, I started to work the very next day. ... until now ... I wrote this blog during lunchbreak at office. thus, here are my days with Japanese conversation [but sphinxku, it's not me...but them!] all around. I wish I can speak more then cottomatte dakusai, or ohayo gozaimas...Sphinxku, any tips? New working culture. no Teng Go. helemaal anders met nederlandse werktijd Got a postcard from Wolfgang, he was in Sicily... got his email 2 days ago...he was ill. Get well soon!...