Remembered one told me: Not everything shall be spoken out. That is why God creates mind... ouch! hurts... This week our office is a bit upside down. The team leader is highly demanding person. All sector papers were coloured with his red ink. I have to compile and reformat all of those sector studies (I wish あつし was here, he used to these things, now I have to do it. ありがとう ございます ふじのさん!) anyway...14 sector studies, some were submitted in pretty much last minute. Mr. O's face had been stiff for more then a week. Mr. K's was even worse. Mr. AW was much better... me? I am the person in between...what do you think? At the beginning of the week I planned to decorate xmas tree on saturday, voila...i was ended up in office with severe cough and annoying migrain. I went to kios bubur on Jalan Sangir, I felt much better. Off I went to home, hup a pain killer, 1 hr sleeping. Wake up and again to the copyshop... I thank this copyshop lady, Ani, who managed to arrange everything almost pe...
mostly fragments of live experiences from the eyes of me.