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Showing posts from February, 2005

dirty laundry?

I am a Christian, and born as a catholic, whatever it’s called, protestant, Bethany, charismatic, gereformeerd, catholic, etc., I am Christian. Today I’m not writing about my believe, and to provoke your thoughts into this. In fact, what I’ve been experiencing, provoke me to write this down. I have a good friend, a best friend, a friend that I know her as a very good person and kind hearted. I love her still and respect her more everyday although she claimed to be a non believer—in God, I don’t dare to call her an atheist, since I’m not really sure its true definition. I have another friend, the one that I just knew, a young talented artist, which once on our way from Jakarta to Bandung, mentioned that ‘god[s]’ and ‘religion[s]’ are creations of persons that desperate on their life—if I may put it in my reinterpretation of our hours discussion. I also have an acquaintance, or maybe a friend, that once so annoyed when I said, “ in fact, I don’t agree with people using Jesus as a cursing...
It's the Tunas twin sisters' birthday.

to be a mockingbird

It's an old novel by Harper Lee, entitled To Kill a Mockingbird . a book that I felt sad when I finished it. beautiful and enchanting, where little kids teach you more about prejudices and mindsets. just like Little Prince . ...and I wish I was six again...


Sometimes when a person needs someone to talk with, there’s noone. Then, don’t talk. Blame noone. It’s time to meditate --- Email from Wolfgang, one of most expected emails in my mailbox. …, how about coming here this summer so that I can show you around? I could make two weeks free and show you some nice places (apart from Heidelberg, which is cute but becomes boring soon for sightseers) and landscapes. And the Netherlands would certainly also be very happy to see you again. As all Christians say: “Amen!” Und Wolfgang, sind Sie immer mehr als das Willkommen, zum Ihrer Anzeigen in meinem blog!

Vinex* in China

CHEZ CHINA: The former village of Anting, outside Shanghai, features "German" architecture picture by: GREG GIRARD-DOCUMENTCHINA FOR TIME [lines from TIME magazine]: Shanghai's seven satellite cities will draw so much inspiration from Britain, Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Holland and Canada that one urban planning official announced in a 2002 press circular that "foreign visitors will not be able to tell where Europe ends and China begins." me: should we [Indonesian] send some of our theme housing estates developers there? :D WooHoo...capitalism rules! [Vinex is Dutch planning policy of new housing area to be developed by private company]


Coop Himmelb(l)au's modular dwelling model, just one of many attempts to reimagine picture by: PHILIPPE MAGNON FRAC CENTRE/MORI ART MUSEUM [TIME Magazine]: "What is it with architects? They all think they're specialists in the future" me: judgement is for you to take, lucky enough I am not 'only' architect... enjoy!

an art megaproject

The Gates, Central Park, New York 1979-2005 Drawing 2004 In two parts: 38 x 244 cm and 106.6 x 244 cm Pencil, charcoal, pastel, wax crayon, fabric sample, aerial photograph, tape and hand-drawn technical data. Photo: Wolfgang Volz Just got this info from my dear Sphinxku, a newyorker with hip hairstyle ;) The Gates Project for Central Park, New York City Christo and Jeanne-Claude short description from the site: For those who will walk through The Gates, following the walkways, and staying away from the grass, The Gates will be a golden ceiling creating warm shadows. When seen from the buildings surrounding Central Park, The Gates will seem like a golden river appearing and disappearing through the bare branches of the trees and will highlight the shape of the footpaths. [ Nicky, if you read this, you should go there...! I believe you'll make nice photos! Wishing to be there too...

breathe again

3 days in a row I stayed overnite at office, my weird story yesterday was just a short dream as response to my strange sleeping time. This coming Monday I should present intern report of newtown project in Samarinda. Obsessive Compulsive? cant be! I just don't like seeing untidy drawing, so I did some editing here and there of Dimas' works... today finally I've finished the powerpoint. Just have to convert it to PDF, before hand it to be printed out. Talk for quite a long conversation with Olive on the phone She'll get married tomorrow, with Andre of course. I remember...funny stories behind their romance I will just indulge myself in lazy time tomorrow~

Just read

Dinner was ready, beefsteak for everyone. We were about to eat, when couples of men in black suit walked in. They were people from government. we are looking for something My Mom stood up, followed by others they walked into next room. I was pissed off, I was starving to death. When I joined them into that room, those men in black were tracing every inch of that room. I complained that I was hungry by saying the food was getting cold let Wati finish them, she used to do that I was like, ‘What?!?!’ Whatever, I’m starving, you guys can stay here, I’ll finish my food. Strange enough with my Mom’s attitude, I even could know what they were looking of. Before heading back to dining room, I stopped by my sister’s office. I stepped into that spacious, air-conditioned and fully designed room. Olive was inside, looked annoyed. Her pregnant colleague was there, too, on her table stood a tiny doll in white dress and long black hair. I picked it up, and straight to where al...