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Showing posts from March, 2005

étant nostalgique

Woke up with sorethroat cum period sickness, I chose to watch Amelie and take a day off from office. Such a beautiful movie, Audrey Tatou was really pretty playing this good do-er Amelie. I like the scene when her goldfish committed suicide… In the afternoon, after lunch, tried to off for work, yet no strength to keep the spirit up, I decided to drive back—a bit dizzy—and tuck under my blanket. It’s been like December these past fewdays. Monsoon rain every afternoon in Bandung, with such a bad drainage no question if within minutes streets were flooded. Plus the explosion of final dumping ground of Bandung at Leuwigajah early March, many garbage dumps all over Bandung were left stacked up. My bro told me it happened once in New York decades ago, same issue, methane explosion. Looking for that news on internet but haven’t found any, maybe Bandung can learn something out of that. It’s been weeks with smell of garbage all over cities. Disaster . Today is my replying emails day. Haven’t r...
mood of the days~

tic tac toe

Got 2 emails from Wolfgang today. One is email, the other is auto-delivered comment of my Blog to my email. Stunned? yes...quite enlighted, as usual! danke! sie sind scharf! what I've been busy with lately? not much. wake up, off to work, finishing some task, returning home or going to voluntary group I join just weeks ago. ... sounds bored? well, then you are fooled by my tone in this Blog. ;-) tot andere keer~

~humming to Gilberto Gil

It’s been a while~ Once Sphinxku asked me Too busy to update your blog? Not busy actually, Too many things yet I didn’t know what [or how?] to write them down. Lost a big project That’s one Start to produce [and sell] family recipe’s kaya jam That’s another Trying hard to keep up with friends and life Professional cum social worker? Possibly… What to say? My life is ordinary Not as this 25 years old Anne Ahira , you can read about her from this link No no! I don’t envy her I salute her for being so determined and focused. What’s happening lately, disturb me most. The keywords are: MORALITY and CULTURE My opinion of these two words: never confuse between them. Why on earth am I talking about this? Tell me, which is against morality or culture Your personal email was accessed by strangers. A unmarried couple decide to get married after they found the lady is pregnant, they’ve planned this and happy about it. Suggestion to ban kissing at public places Yes, it’s exist…it was on news! A per...

good news~

SMS from OQ: Angga udah bangun, mata udah bereaksi. It was morning, and that is a good news This afternoon we went to visit Angga, he was half conscious, under medication. Yet he knew me and laugh weakly when I said that he made the whole Bandung panicking. The nurse said his reactions are good, to voice, lights and senses. when we stepped out the ICU, many people q-ing to see him. Unfortunately time was up. We were the last visitors today. All we wait is the right time for him to go for brain operation. But for now, we are happy to see him awake. We thank God for this miracle... welcome again Angga!

Life is fragile.

Last night a friend was taken to hospital. Us—some of his friends—were there. A blood nerve in his left brain was ruptured. According to his colleague, Laksmi: It was afternoon, around 1:30 PM. At university—he is a master student—he was sitting, reading a literature All of sudden he started to tremble, the whole body was shaking. He lost his consciousness. Since then, he has been unconscious though the whole body still quivers. A minute before, he was still OK A day before, another friend still had meeting with him. A week before, he sent me a SMS about a job opportunity. Just a year younger then me, maybe was also in his quarter life crisis? No one ever thought this would happen No precaution…no nothing. Life is so damn fragile. ..and it is not for us to hold. Angga, kita semua berdoa loe cepat sehat lagi. Keep on fighting, friend. Don’t give up!

Jakarta Java Jazz Festival

Bring the world to Indonesia That was the slogan of this event. Well yes, it was international jazz festival. We—Robert, Esti, Victor and me—only went on Friday, 4 March 2005 Aiming Laura Fygi, our goal was set. We got the front row seats. She was marvelous, completely enchanting. I wish I could upload a short record of her performance that night. Yet, I can only post her pictures. Laura Fygi with Jan at saxophone diamonds....are girl's best friend! come come...wanna see my diamond? She was singing, dancing, joking, talking to audience… It was a complete performance. From Let there be love to Jobim’s Corcovado and their band’s song Rhythm She was even teased the camera while singing Diamonds are girl’s best friend fluently imitated Marilyn Monroe sexy lips and hip. Pretending have to call her husband in Holland, she made an audience lent her a cellphone. Then she again animated another song… Hard to describe, all I can say she IS fabulous. Other than that were Deodato, Michelle N...