Finished two books this weekend. Contradictive in ways of seeing past and future Arundhati Roy in her ‘God of Small Things’ shows all the multiplied effects of past experiences in her main characters, Rahel and Estha. beauties of childhood innocence incorporated with bitterness of life. Some conditions are indispensable; love, lust, adultery, social classes, politics…those built adults Rahel and Estha. The first has problem in relationship, the latter is locked in his quiet life, losing his capability to express words. It doesn’t leave strong impression in me, may be since it was the translated version the translator seems difficult to express all details in it the problem of our language? The second book is by Mitch Albom : Tuesdays with Morrie , a true story. Also a translated version, I got it today from a book rentplace. they offer not many choices* He writes down his last courses with Morrie, a professor from his university 16 years ago. A beautiful piece—better...
mostly fragments of live experiences from the eyes of me.