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Showing posts from August, 2005

that is also fine

guess what i've just finished reading last nite. Harry Potter: the Half Blood Prince. ja..ja.. I've never into Harry Potter before, until I went to Dallas in January last year, had nothing else to do, we [parents and me] watched my sister's Harry Potter movies collection. and just two or three weeks ago, Sachiyo left the book on my table. A present she said. Thus after being left idle for some weeks, finally I read this book. so I the only thing I remember is Dumbledore, Snape [thou I only remember how he looks like, and who actually he is], of course Harry, Ron and Hermione. Well is no longer children story. The last two chapters in fact are freaky! Rowling's description on Inferi are too details, and the way Snape avada kadavra-ing Dumbledore is too much. anyway.... not recommended for under age children

Japanese Female

This morning I got a 'present' from Fujino san, he handed me latest Time Asia, with page divider. It is a manga cartoon, entitled When No Choice is a Good One : A girl's guide to finding happiness in Japan. I couldn't help giggling when I read the cartoon. I don't think it is merely matter of Japanese female, it is all around Asia due to globalization vs local gender issue. On the cover of this edition is Japan's Future with the picture of Mika Noguchi, a lingerie entrepreneur and mother of four . It is nice thing to read. both encouraging and discouraging, in some extent. choose what you like, it's your life anyway :)
kleine sophietje, dochter van Peter Dom en Audrey Jo. Hartelijk Welkom!

Who am I?

That was how Wei Hui ended her “Shanghai Baby”, where Coco is in confused wondering what is actually she’s been pursuing, what is her aim…who actually she is. In the latest book I’ve read by Susanna Tamaro , an Italian writer, it can strongly sense the ambiguity, dilemmas and mixed emotions of young women. The book title “ Va’dove ti porta il cuore ” (Follow your HEART) is actually not the sentence Olga (the grandma) address only to her granddaughter, but also to herself during her time of crisis, or to Ilaria—her daughter who died in car accident—if she had had time to reconcile their mother-daughter relation. And that what she is trying to pursue in this book. Reconciliation with her granddaughter—and herself—before her death comes to her. This book is a female novel. Not to confuse with romantic, love story type of novel. Yes, it has some romances, some lovestories, but above all it shows the dark sides of women’s hearts. Once Olga was in conversation with a Germany Jesuit brother—t...

491 houses were burned

It’s happened on 1st of August, almost two weeks ago at Kelurahan Cambaya Kecamatan Ujung Tanah, northern Makassar. But until yesterday I haven’t heard any further reconstruction activities taken by public sectors. Thus today I decided to visit the location. It is a fisherman village, not far from Paotere traditional port. It was 9:30 in the morning, I tried to meet Pak Lurah [head of village], but he wasn’t around, thus I went directly to the location, accompanied by one of the inhabitants. The houses were really closed to one another, it’s looks like a shanty-town, divided into two locations: landed houses and ‘rumah panggung’[elevated wooden house] which stand on the sea. The condition is really bad. 90% of their houses were burned. Leftover of elevated houses are only burned columns. Size of each house is approximately 5x6 m2 at most. Those who lived in ‘rumah panggung’ should stay in temporary tents, while those who had landed houses have better condition, since there are still wa...

To Live is To Choose

read: The Fifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho *Sphinxku, I haven't read the Alchemist, this is the first Coelho's piece I've read* what can I say.... there are so many meanings in this book, but there is one underline: To live is To choose, therefore we are human. We are granted freedom to choose. Another recommended book from me.

double happiness

chinese letter that is usually shown in wedding ceremonies. It is comprised of two letters that means: happiness. When they are combined, they are: DOUBLE HAPPINESS the goodwishes for newly wed couple. It is not the first time I’ve played role as listener of other’s marriage problems. But for Japanese, it was the second time. Our conversation was on ‘gender equality’ for Japan in particular. He then mentioned the case of income disparity between him and his wife—which means his wife earns more—I don’t think it is a problem from him if vice versa. *She works harder, back home later, sometimes even drunk . Sad… *Maybe you should have kids? *I once wanted them badly, but now…I doubt to have any. Flashing back to my conversation with Sachiyo. *Japanese guys are mostly childish. That is her statement. Still in somewhat similar issue: female position in Japan. *Most Japanese men require housewives, who’ll stay at home and raise their kids, doing laundry and cooking. Their cares and obedienc...

[healthy] karaoke

that was request of Sachiyo, our expert in GIS and landuse planning. Well, I agree...I told her I know a place called "Happy Puppy" chain family karaoke place. We talked it over lunch last friday, with Tsuge san and Higashi san... *so...tonite?* *no, I can't * Tsuge san replied with regretted face *as you know...* he addressed that to Sachiyo. Later I knew that he promised other team member [uhm..a lady] to escort her to a party. * know Yuli, Mr. Tsuge is always happy to escort Ms. Ishiwata* Sachiyo is a kind that always pulls other's leg... [after a study team meeting, with hard debate between Sachiyo and Ms. Ishiwata...] *Yuli, tonite is set. Tsuge san has cancelled his appointment* *what?* *hehe* with teasing face... [I was rushing here and there to collect some documents I've promised for Sachiyo, she needs to update her mapping, Tsuge san came] *Has Takata san told you?* Takata san is Sachiyo *oh yes...what's happened with THE party?* *I said ...