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Showing posts from October, 2005


ladies, what if your boyfriend costs more body treatments than you? HAIR Don't think of it as another dang thing to wash, think of it as your crowning achievement. A top stylist can match your looks with your locks, and tell you how to maintain order between oil changes. Haircut with highlights $200 Hair wax from Gatsby $7 EYES The mirrors of the soul can flash mixed signals. Make sure yours say, "I'm youthful, detail-oriented, and have two perfectly symmetrical eyebrows." Moisturizing treatment to reduce puffiness and crow's feet $60 Eyebrow trimming kit from Shiseido $13 FACE Because death masks tend to startle the living, you'll make a better impression if you minimize the damage caused by years of neglect and overexposure to the elements. Do we have to say it again? Cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate. And if that doesn't work, spackle over intransigent defects and surprise eruptions with foundation or concealer. One-hour facial $95 Hydrating lotion by Shiseid...

cakes cakes cakes...

Helping my Mom to prepare those ordered cakes, around 90 of them... amazing ya? I found that my headache was suddenly gone. I think it was a good therapy after too much of computer. \(' v ')/

an apology

to all friends in Singapore that I failed to pay a visit or phonecall while I was in Singapore... I am truly sorry... and won't give you any excuse for that... *maap ya, tidak ada tujuan untuk menomerduakan siapapun*

Yiwen Zhu

she is a friend of mine. she was class mate during my MSc programme in Delft. a shy and quiet lady, but extraordinarily amazing. I've put her photo diary (that's how she calls it) weblink on my side bar, but still I wanna put more of her captured pictures on my blog, specially for her. I love the way she explores the viewpoints. check these for examples: but above all, I found her really poetic, since the first time I knew her. I become more and more convinced after seeing her debut photo on her website: all pictures above are courtesy of Yiwen Zhu


what is your weakness and your strength. Hmm...tough one. Never had such question before. I know it is just part of ordinary interview questions. Was on a job interview yesterday. three inteviewers, and I was located as if in a judgement hall. Highly formal. Two foreigner, one Indonesian. I tried my best to be my self. Hard enough...with a blocked nose and bubble moving to and fro my nose and stuck in my brain. I was under Flu medicine, too. Completely out of focus. but this particular answer stays forever in me. at night i have problem with sleeping. Severe headache and fever. But still I was thinking. What is my weakness and my strength? I mean truly...I never really think about it. I've done so many S-W-O-T analysis. but never on myself. Weakness and Strength are just like 2 sides of a coin. They can be flipped in certain condition. had some Asanas before went to sleep. Sweated all over. I tried to sleep.... the question is still unanswered. I didn't get the job. But I'm...
I am so illiterate...sigh~

Singapore Documentations

10.10.2005. Day Time . Visiting Elders at Jervois Rd. 11.10.2005. Day Time. Kiung's Bday at Jervois Rd . L-R: Top : Cie Lily, Bday Cake from Furama Hotel, Piao Ie Pie Chen and Akiu Oe Middle : Papi & Cie Wenny, Birthday Banner, Polonaising Bottom: Piao Ie Saw Pie and Mom, Kimma Kiung, Piao Ie Pie Ing & Kiung 12.10.2005. Day Time. NUS . met Mr. JW. The best teacher still. Had lunch with some other friends...(Imran, Erika, Eko, JW) having a coffee to go. and here where I got to know with this cute little invention to carry your coffee to go. Originally Singaporean , JW said. 13.10.2005 . Day Time. Arab Street . Lunch at Maemunah. I have never had cheap lunch in Singapore before. This is good. Interested? You can go directly to Jl. Pisang, Arab street area. Santhi ordered to go for Eko. the foods are superduperdelicious! Maemunah RULES! 13.10.2005. Night Time. Le Meridien Basement . Updating each other with our most recent stories. Well, maybe in between them they've...

end of vacation

ok, it is (or was?) five days leave I took from the office. Great, went to singapore, originally for 3 days family gathering and some other stuff for my future life. Yet, seems I've been in Singapore only for having fun, fun, fun. good...since I got emails already on next things to do at office. Now trying so hard to type this blog faster, using free internet at Changi and only 8 minutes left. Will post some pictures
funnily absurd. A movie for those who don't wanna think too much. (cute sketch!)

Weekend Thoughts

Temper Switch If you are ‘your own self’ does it mean you own all your inner and outer entities? Body and soul, Emotion and logic, Thoughts and acts? Is it something like having an on-off emotional/biological switch that is completely under your authority? Better Job Define it, please. Higher salary? Good working environment? Enjoyable assignment? Completely new place? Travelling all around the world? Choices or no-choice Which one do you prefer most? Choices with only one way ticket. No-choice…no further explanation needed 30 Is it really a critical age for female? If a female choose to embark on another life at this ‘critical age’ Is there any possibility to be back to the comfort zone? Confidence How can you get and maintain it forever? --without being accused as a snob. Focus Simple word, most unlikely to be performed. Boys Don't Cry for bedtime story. Not a wise decision...good movie, wrong time.


*(more then) stupidity Today, officially the gasoline price is increased, almost twice then normal. It is indispensable, I may say, since everybody knows the world oil condition. Nevertheless, the government try to implement some low-end policy. It is super short-minded one. Today too, they distribute the compensation money (read my lips: I.N..C.A.S.H) of gasoline increased price, to so called poor people. From TV I learned that they registered these people per Kelurahan (Sub-District) based on BPS (National Statistic Agency). Most Indonesians (or foreign researcher) who have dealed with this agency know how unprecise the BPS data is. (isn't it ふじの?) The vice president had interview with local so called poor people, and he kept laughing on their comments. WHAT A JOKER! gee.. another sad things.... Bali has been blasted again. It was just an hour ago. If you read Indonesian, go to : Shall Indonesia mourn once again? bodo-bodoan, kaya' pembantu lempar-lemparan cabe...